Elizabeth is a Fine Artist creating art inspired by the magic of antiquity and mythos.

She utilises her own honed artistic skill in a range of different mediums to create exceptional eye catching artwork.

Her pieces incorporate her signature elegant flowing style portraying strong mythical, mysterious females with an air of the magical.

Her main artistic areas and personal work includes Fine Art (Oil Painting, Watercolour), Textiles, Writing Fiction and Non Fiction and Jewellery Design.


Elizabeth has an interest in Mythology (especially Greek and Egyptian) and Mysticism. Her Artwork reflects this interest as she often depicts themes and scenes from ancient myth and legend or her own imagination.

Elizabeth's art style is influenced by her jewellery background, the Pre-Raphaelite Artists, Mucha, Goddess imagery and Art Nouveau.

Elizabeth has a love of art history especially in the Renaissance period and the different artists from Leonardo da Vinci to Michelangelo and Botticelli.

Art Mediums

Elizabeth is a multi disciplinary artist. Having had a flair for art from a young age, Elizabeth has experimented and explored many different mediums and media. 

She has an extensive thirst for knowledge and has quietly built up her artistic skills over the years. 

She creates pieces in Oil Paint (Fat to lean method and Impasto), Water Colour, Acrylic, Ink, Gouache, Textiles, Model Making, Photo manipulation, Black and White Photography. 

More recently she has been exploring gold leaf, acrylic and acrylic mediums to create texture in her work. In the future she look to explore CAD Jewellery Design.

The Art



Elizabeth creates Paintings (Oil, Water Colour and Acrylic) and sketchbook work influenced by myth and fantasy.

She uses high quality artist materials and archival techniques to create her pieces.

Her artwork incorporate her signature flowing style portraying strong mysterious females with an air of the magical.


Elizabeth writes both Fiction and Non Fiction.

Elizabeth’s interest in Myth, Legend and magic has translated into storytelling.

She enjoys creating worlds and bringing stories to life in a realm colour, sense and elegant descriptions, exploring themes and creatures from folklore and her own imagination.

Elizabeth also enjoys writing factual articles about Oil Painting, Art methods, mythology and her interests.


Elizabeth brings her vibrant and rich colour ways to her eclectic fabric projects.

Elizabeth has created a Broken Plate Quilt and is currently creating projects in Doll Making and Wreath Making.

Her past work has involved a wearable art form she describes as ART CORSET’s which she hopes to revisit when she had finished her current works.


Redefining the idea of fragrance and the concept of the candle as art.

Each Seasonal Moment Scent Volume is an artful blend of inspiration, writing, scent and imagery.

With the Intention to awaken the senses and memories.

Inspiring and relaxing scent art that feeds the senses.


Focusing her artistic talents Elizabeth studied Silversmilthing, Goldsmithing and Jewellery Design BA (Hons) at University.

It was here that she learned about the different aspects of Jewellery construction while also learning to design and make jewellery in the degree projects. She learned how to design and paint jewellery with gouache and also entered competitions.

The world of fine art, artist materials, gemstones and jewellery techniques opened up and she is looking to a return to her artistic roots in the near future.




Silversmithing, Goldsmithing and Jewellery Design BA (Hons) 1:1


2008 - A commended award for Design (3D) Fashion Production Jewellery from Goldsmiths Craftsmanship and Design Awards 2008 for a magnetic brooch with fabric elements.